Supporting blind and partially sighted people living in the
Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and surrounding area
to lead active and independent lives.
Welcome from Philip Tarrant, Chief Executive
Bournemouth Blind Society was founded in 1911. We continue with the same passion as our founders to try to find new and creative ways to help our members retain their independence.
One young man who had recently lost most of his sight, said, “Thank you to all the staff for making me whole again, for giving me respect and allowing me to be me.” We are not able to restore sight, but we can give dignity, hope and encouragement to those whose lives are devastated by their loss of vision.
Working both at our centre in Moordown and out in the community, we try to make activities fun, fun for our members, fun for our volunteers, fun for our staff. The level of laughter is a barometer of how well we are achieving our aims.
The Bournemouth Blind Society Centre is treated as ‘home’ by many of our members. Everyone is given a warm, friendly welcome by our staff and volunteers. We provide hot food, activities, advice and support. Our Centre is open from 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Bournemouth Blind Society is an independent, local charity. We are not affiliated with any other group or charity. We receive a small grant from the Local Authority towards the costs of running our Resource Centre and Community Support service, otherwise we are self-financing, relying on donations, fund-raising activities and legacies to meet our costs.
A group of students from Bournemouth University produced a short film in 2012 (when we were known as BSVI) – see for yourselves how our Society can make a difference to the lives of visually impaired people.
During late 2018 Arts University student Kate spent time with our members. She compiled a book of photographs entitled ‘thus it is I see’ and created a short video of the same title.
Would you like to read a little more about the Society’s History?